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The web site is maintained by the Nordic Market Expert Group (NMEG). NMEG is a continuation of earlier Nordic Ediel work started by Ediel Nordic Forum, established in 1995. “Ediel” is used as a term for Nordic data exchange standards, both based on EDIFACT and XML formats.

Today the Nordic TSOs and the market actors, both in the retail and wholesale markets, exchange documents based on several different formats and standards, such as Ediel (XML and EDIFACT), NOIS (XML), ENTSO-E (XML), ebIX® XML, IEC (CIM/XML), Excel sheets etc. Further, there are several projects run in the Nordic energy market that will change the way the market participants do their work, such as the introduction of data hubs in all the Nordic countries and the introduction of new NEMOs (Nominated Electricity Market Operator). Hence, there is a huge need for identifying harmonisation potential of data exchange standards from various Nordic projects and to influence common exchange standards, in various international standardisation bodies, such as IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission, see Increasingly, organisations in the Nordic energy market needs to communicate with several external bodies, hence harmonisation is a necessity. 

Purpose and objectives

NMEG is responsible for the development and maintenance of Nordic Ediel standards, based on available international standards and documented Nordic business processes for data exchange in the energy industry, supporting the Nordic TSOs strategies. NMEG documents existing business processes in a standardised way and will use internationally agreed procedures, where possible. 

NMEG also works with harmonisation of communication protocols. 

NMEG actively discusses and promotes positions, with a common Nordic voice, participating in relevant European and worldwide organisations for data exchange standardisation, such as ebIX®, ENTSO-E and IEC.

NMEG follows up, supervises and approves the work of ongoing NMEG projects.

Working structure

NMEG discuss common Nordic positions related to items on the agendas of relevant European and worldwide organisations for data exchange standardisation, such as ebIX®, ENTSO-E and IEC, preferably as electronic meetings. 

NMEG coordinates and have common meetings with other market groups when appropriate.

Minutes will be published at


Each Nordic TSO will nominate one or two members for NMEG. 

NMEG elects its own convenor with responsibility for ensuring progress and facilitation of meetings. The role of the convener rotates between the Nordic TSOs every second year or when relevant.

NMEG may appoint a consultant acting as secretary of the group.

Approved Terms of Reference Nordic Market Group NMEG 20221213.pdf