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Common Ediel Documents

This page contain common Nordic documents related to data exchange in the Nordic energy market, such as Business Requirements Specifications (BRS) and XML schemas. The documents are mainly based on international standards from ebIX®ENTSO-E and IEC.

There is a strategic decision from the Nordic TSOs to migrate to CIM XML and CIM XML schemas will be provided when needed. Below you can find examples of mapping from ENTSO-E XML schemas to IEC/CIM XML schemas.

The original ENTSO-E XML documents used in the Nordic market, such as the ENTSO-E Acknowledgment document, can be found at the ENTSO-E web site:​ ​ENTSO-E Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Library​

Document TypeDocument NameFile FormatVersionDate Added
​Business Requirements Specifications (BRS)Nordic Trading System BRSPDF2r3A20240614DOWNLOAD
Nordic extended XML schemas for TradeZIP2021022220210222DOWNLOAD
Nordic Operate BRSPDF2r0A20250217DOWNLOAD
Nordic extended XML schemas for Operate ZIP2018061820210222DOWNLOAD
Nordic TSO Schedules BRSPDFv3r4A20241017DOWNLOAD
Nordic TSO Determine Transfer CapacityPDFv3r1A20230927DOWNLOAD
Nordic TSO-TSO settlementPDFv1r1C20241008DOWNLOAD
Ediel Market Operator Configuration Document (MO calendar document)PDFv1r0A20190905DOWNLOAD
User GuidesNEG UserGuide Acknowledgement PDFv1r3B20170505DOWNLOAD
XML schemasReserveAllocationResult_MarketDocument version 6.5 (Ediel version)
Note: This version of the document is approved by CIM WG but not yet official published by ENTSO-E.
*** NEW ***
NMEG CIM master data xml schemas 20240515 (NBM+NBS)ZIPv1-020240515DOWNLOAD
NBM mFRR Energy Activation Market: Extended Reserve Bid Market DocumentZIP2022070720220707DOWNLOAD
XML schemas for Market OperatorEdiel Market Operator Configuration Document
(includs xml schemas and documentation)
NEG Schemas for Market Operator ZIP2020113020201130DOWNLOAD
Ediel Currency Exchange Rate DocumentZIPv2-020191016DOWNLOAD
“​Older” sets of xml schemasComplete set of NEG xsdZIP2017070420170704DOWNLOAD
Primary Reserves Market Trade SchemasZIP2014010920140109DOWNLOAD
Common documents​Ediel Common XML rules and recommendationsPDF2r2A20241009DOWNLOAD
NMEG Code List Library *** NEW ***PDF2r0I20250227DOWNLOAD
urn-entsoe-eu-local-extension-types *** NEW ***XSD2r0I20250227DOWNLOAD
Nordic Energy Market Domain Model PDF1r2A20220919DOWNLOAD
NMEG recommendation for asynchronous communicationsPDF2020120920201209DOWNLOAD
Examples of IEC/CIM XML usage​ Mapping from ENTSO-E to CIMPDF v1r1C20170419DOWNLOAD
Ediel Currency Exchange Rate DocumentPDF1r0A20180418DOWNLOAD
CurrencyExchangeRateDocument (CIM based) ZIP20180312DOWNLOAD
NMEG draft documentsMemo: NMEG CIM master data documents (NBM+NBS)PDF2024040920240409DOWNLOAD